IRCD Software

The TR-IRCD 5.0 is no longer based only on Bahamut, though the procotol modules use the same definition. Network code, and module code ideas are borrowed from hybrid-7, the coming EFnet ircd. Information about hybrid can be gained on

Next Release 5.5

a) New Features

Current Release 5.1.x

a) Restructuring

b) Management

  1. %C = client structure name, depending if a user structure is available, only the name or nick!user@[fake]host
  2. %~C = client structure name
  3. %^C = client structure name, depending if a user structure is available, nick (user@host)
  4. %*C = faked server name (if servername is being hidden), or equivalent of %D
  5. %!C = client structure ID.
  6. %H = channel structure name
  7. %K = confitem structure name
  8. %N = protocol numeric value

c) Technologies

d) Porting

e) Plans


a) Cosmetic and IRCop friendly issues

b) Protocol Additions

c) Mode Problematic

d) More Features

e) SERVICE structures

SERVICE name ident :description - if a client is connecting to the server.

SERVICE name timestamp hopcount flags ident host server :description - if a remote server is introducing a service

A Flag is got from the S:line, U for Ulined, A for AKILL enabled, H for Routing capable.


SERVSET name +modes-modes 

is the way the servset command should be used.

SERVLIST does not have any parametres, and

SQUERY name :text is the usage for the squery command.